Mythdefied Profile Page

About Me

I'm here as a reader/reviewer. (I am a writer, but in the Bleach fandom.) I just hang out here to enjoy all the lovely stories.

I've been a writer for twenty plus years. I was fortunate enough to work out most of my bad writing habits (horrid spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.) before the internet and instant publishing online came along, otherwise I cringe to think what kind of godawful dreck I'd be posting now. I was also incredibly lucky enough to start my online career in a fandom populated by people with English degrees, published writers, and those who, in general, spent more time paying attention in English class than I did. I'm not a perfect writer by any means, but the strides I've made toward becoming more knowledgeable and competent are due to those fine people.

My first ten years were spent writing truly abysmal het (m/f) original stories. Since my only research material at the time came in the form of romance novels and school gossip sessions, I'll leave it to the grungy depths of the reader's imagination as to what sorts of crimes against good literature I perpetuated on a daily basis. Sufficed to say, I now have a deep loathing of purple prose, doormat women and muscle-brained men.

Then next ten years I spent online discovering a love of fanfiction and slash (yaoi, m/m). I love writing it and reading it and I'm far better at fanfiction than original. Maybe I'm just lazy in that I prefer to have a world already set up for me with known characters; world building can go so wrong, so fast.

I enjoyed the heck out of not only writing smut, but being able to have discussions with people who actually knew what they were talking about, and having decent research places on the net. My sex scenes were realistic! Hallelujah!

I've played in three different fandoms over the years, two live action USA TV shows, and my current one, Bleach. Although slash/yaoi is still my main stomping ground, I've never really stopped writing het or gen (G/K rated stuff). I certainly enjoy reading most all genres.

I don't currently have any plans to start writing in this fandom, but I really enjoy reading in it. (I always have read in far more than I wrote in.) InuYasha x Kagome will probably always have a special place in my heart because I read the entire manga series in one go and I loved them as a pairing; but half the fun of fanfic is playing with pairings that were never canon, so Sesshoumaru x Kagome is now my favorite one.

My website:  Paradox

User Status

15 years ago
11 years ago
14 years ago


Writing Advice

Qualifications: 20+ years writing experience, both in various fandoms and professionally. Published out of an actual publishing house that is not a self-publishing site. So what's that mean? Absolutely jack shit, in my opinion. You don't need to be a writer, a published author or have a degree in English to know good grammar, or lack of it, or to give good advice. But there's always someone out there who wants to take offense and break Ebert's Law. I just like to head off the wankers at the pass.

General writing advice:

There is no excuse for bad grammar. Seriously. In this day and age of the internet, there's no excuse for posting something that commits massive crimes against the English language (or any other language, for that matter).

  • You don't have a spell check program? Well, you obviously have access to the internet since you're posting; do a Google search for online spell check programs.
  • You're not a native English speaker (or native speaker of other languages)? It's a big, wide internet and there are people willing to help you out with that. There's even a community on LiveJournal specifically for that.
  • You're all excited about your story and you're in a hurry to share it? Good for you. Now take a deep breath, relax, and realize that the continuation of the universe doesn't depend on you posting your story this very second. Go spell check it and give it a good read through; let it sit for a couple days and do another read through, then consider handing it over to a beta/proofreader for an unbiased read through.
  • You know you have problems with homonyms/punctuation/etc.? Then don't post the story until you've had someone else look it over for you.

The bottom line is, if you don't care enough to present your story in as polished a manner as possible, then why should anyone else care enough to read it?

Grammar Advice

The Apostrophe: This is used to

  1. make a word into a contraction ("should not" becomes "shouldn't"),
  2. form a possessive with a noun ("The book is Mary's." "Those are the building's steps."),
  3. to form internal quotation marks, quotes within quotes ("He told me to 'hang on to her and stay close,' but I didn't.").

Apostrophes are never ever used to form plurals. Ever! To make a plural, you rarely need to do anything but slap an "S" on the end of a word. There are exceptions to that, of course (usually borrowed French words), but none of those will ever require an apostrophe.

"Yeah" vs. "Yea": Yes, there is a difference between the two. "Yea" rhymes with "nay" and "way" and is an archaic way of verbalizing formal agreement, now only used, for the most part, when taking verbal votes in a formal (mostly govermental) setting. Unless your characters are casting a vote or something else official like that, "Yeah" is likely the word you're looking for.

Know your female anatomy! Many stories have Sesshoumaru being Kagome's first sexual partner; if there's one thing that pisses me off, it's when the author doesn't know anatomy. Especially when the author is female and doesn't know female anatomy.

This will probably come as a shock to those who rely on romance novels as anatomy guides but the hymen/maidenhead/whatever you want to call it, is not located three inches up inside a woman; it's right there at the very front. In fact, if she's an active person she might not have one at all. Make that pretty darn likely if she uses tampons and/or likes to "get in touch with herself" on occasion. Some women are even born without them, and some still have them even after sex; it's no guarantee of virginity. Check this article for more details: Article.

More to come as they occur to me.


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Name Entry

Created On: 03/15/2010 23:31:23

Thank you for the stunning and heartfelt review of Wisteria. I'd like to take this opportunity to tell you how honored I am to receive such a positive review from an author with so much experience as yourself. This means so much to me, and I sincerely thank you again for the motivation you've given me.

I've noticed you mentioned writing in the Bleach fandom! Can I know which pairings you write for? I write for Bleach as well, mainly for the pairings of Gin/Rangiku and Byakuya/Rukia. I am intending to do a Urahara/Yoruichi one day, since they make such a stunning pair!

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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