Very good chapter. Glad to see the update and I can't wait for more! Oh my, not good to get Kagome or Sess mad for that matter. Interested to see how it unfolds next chapter. :D
*throws a mighty tantrum* Why do you always leave such mean cliffies? *sobs* Okay, but could you please update soon? I am really enjoying your story, and would love to read more. :)
stars (Chapter 14) - Mon 14 Sep 2009
plaase updata
I'm thinking that Sesshoumaru is just going to be feeling worse now. lol, but that would be so funny, Sesshoumaru waving his arms around like that. :D
autumngold (Chapter 14) - Sun 13 Sep 2009
Great chapter! I love the insight into Sesshoumaru's mind! I'm glad that Sesshoumaru is admitting to himself how much he cares for Kagome. Can't wait to see what you have planned next.
blacklucky2713 (Chapter 1) - Sun 13 Sep 2009
Hey, I love this story! However, I am not part of this website and don't really know how to use it (I've always been a user or single spark). Anyway, do you know how I can get update notifications? I would really appreciate it if you could tell me how! I would love to keep up with your story. I quite enjoy your characterization of Sesshomaru. While untraditional, it is still founded in his character! Great job!
[email protected]
I am really enjoying the story. Full of laughs and pulls on your heart. I wanted to start crying when Sesshoumaru said those things to Kagome. And just seeing Sesshoumaru freak out like Kagome saw in her mind was enough to set me in fits of giggles. I can't wait for you to update.
I think that it is great so far. Is Sesshoumaru ever going to tell how he feels? When are you going to put up the next chapter? I CAN'T WAIT TO READ IT!!!!!!!!
I love your story, please upload soon!
stars (Chapter 13) - Fri 04 Sep 2009
please updata
Very sweet! Kagome is finally using the bond to figure out our favorite male. I like it, I also like seeing him get jealous... hehe. I wonder if Robin can read the scroll...
Miss.Undo (Chapter 12) - Sat 22 Aug 2009
please update that was hawt!?!?! oh yeah they need some more action!!! woot woot! i cant wait till you update the next chapter!!!! ")
haha!! Robin hood! Brilliant. Another funny joyous chapter. Keep up the wonderful work. I love how you can play with our favorite characters so well. I loved the kissing part! poor fluffy had his pride hurt but damn, he got kagome to shut up quickly...
loveless (Chapter 12) - Sat 22 Aug 2009
Yes! Another chapter. I think their kiss was great. Stupid Sesshomaru for saying those hurtful words to Kagome. I wonder what adventures will happen here. Please update soon.
stars (Chapter 12) - Fri 21 Aug 2009
please updata
Well, that was going to be my next guess ;)
Ah... males and their prides.
Hmmm... I wonder how they can understand languages such as ... Anthlant and English this easily. Is it the spell at work?
Good work Lass! I'm eager to read more!
Dewa mata
Haha WOW I really love this story ^^
I wanna guess Colonel times America or uhm Britain? During Middle ages or the dark ages?
loveless (Chapter 11) - Sun 16 Aug 2009
Wow! Great chapter. I LOVE how they keep waking up. Nicely done. I have no idea as to where they are though. I also love that Sesshomaru is attracted to Kagome and is fighting a losing battle. This is the one time when losing is a good thing. Then he'd get Kagome. Yay. Please update soon.
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