Quite the journey everyone has been through. It was an interesting ride, but quite enjoyable to see the changing and emerging emotions. Its always nice to be one with oneself. Thanks for the trip and the happily ever after.
Samara (Chapter 1) - Wed 03 Apr 2013
What an interesting take on the subject... So facinating to read from that point of view... Great Job!!
amy (Chapter 1) - Sat 12 May 2012
Wonderful, love it, keep up the good work!LOL!
It took me awhile to get used to the rhythm of the piece but once I did it was really fun to read. Well done.
LC Rose (Chapter 1) - Fri 22 May 2009
I read this piece all the time on ASS and I just wanted you to know that I love it.
xx_burner_xx (Chapter 1) - Sat 16 Aug 2008
i loved how sesshoumaru thought in this one. i can't explain my attraction to the sort, but it had the feel of bestiality, except from the animal's point of view. it would be awesome if you could make another from his point of view, like this one.
I liked the idea- it's rather different from anything I've read recently, as far as veiw point, etc. I liked the ending, with the secuirty blanket thing. I kinda wish I'd known what Kagome really thought and felt. There were moments where I wasnt sure what she feeling or why she was crying.
Saeko (Chapter 1) - Tue 08 Jul 2008
Cute. I like how you have them arguing with each other, though I didn't quite feel right with it only being their perspectives, and no one else's. I felt like I was blind, locked up inside of them so I could only hear what they were thinking. I couldn't see the action around them, or how Kagome was reacting other than what he said. Like I said, cute, and an interesting view, but... Blindfolding your readers isn't the best. Also, you might want to get a beta, I found quite a few mistakes, and if you'd like I can beta for you. Let me know. [email protected]
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