A/N: Just a little bit of humor for all of us in the fandom and the many joys we experience with our beloved pairing.
Sesshomaru stares at the computer in abject disbelief. When his daughter had mentioned the site, he had snorted, declaring that of course humans would be inspired by him.
But this?
This is a monstrosity. It is beyond his worst nightmares. How could such feeble-minded humans portray him so badly?Have they no sense at all?
"Sesshomaru? I'm home! I got the—" Kagome stops short as she enters the office. "What's wrong?"
Sesshomaru does not even look at his mate as he glowers at one work in particular. He does not possess stripes on his—
"Sesshomaru?" Kagome waves a hand in front of his eyes. "What's wrong?"
Silently, Sesshomaru turns his monitor to her.
"Hmm?" She leans closer. "Oh. This is what Ichika was talking about, huh? We knew it was a matter of time after Mizuki began writing the stories," she replies calmly, naming InuYasha's daughter who had proudly informed them two decades before that she was settling down to become a writer and 'tell the family stories.'
No one had understood what she'd meant at the time until the series had debuted—with more inaccuracies and fabrications than a 'family story' should possess. Mizuki, however, had defended her position, claiming 'no one would believe the truth as it was' and 'this version sells more.' Sesshomaru assumes the foolish girl simply had not been able to recall the entire truth and had simply made things up as she'd went along. She is, after all, InuYasha's daughter.
And she has little shame in the stories she chooses to tell, either. Mizuki has only recently been allowed to visit again after Sesshomaru had discovered she'd shared the full story of his loss of limb. Unfortunately, she had not chosen a fantastical version of that set of events.
"This is beyond tolerance," he informs his mate, glaring at the screen as he reaches for his phone. "I will have such falsehoods removed—"
"How?" His mate leans against the desk, quirking a brow. "By showing them what you are? Yokai don't live openly anymore, Sesshomaru."
He sniffs at the pointed reminder. "There are other ways."
"Not that don't end stupidly." Kagome snorts. "Just let it go, Sesshomaru, and be delighted everyone likes your character so much. It's flattering."
"It is foolish," he retort. "They seek to foist some foolish ideas upon this one's character. One, for instance, claims new markings appear as we grow in power, which is simply foolish. They appear at birth."
"So they're exploring an idea." Kagome shrugs. "That's what fanfiction is for."
Undaunted, he continues. "Another insists we only court our intended with dead animals as though we are uncivilized mortal dogs." He sniffs again, insulted.
"Well, most people probably won't believe the truth," Kagome says evenly.
"It is offensive." He waves his claws to one author in particular. "This one author has written more of our characters than anyone else, mate. If you were to read her work, mate, and the ways she depicts inuyokai intimacy and sex, you, too, would—"
Kagome eyes the screen for a moment. "I'm not interested in reading it," she says quickly, shifting her weight. "Any of it. Definitely not."
Sesshomaru scarcely hears her. "Perhaps I should write my own," he says then, moving the mouse to select 'create new work,' "and set these ridiculous records straight." He doesn't even notice his mate is leaving.
Kagome makes her way to her computer and logs in, unsurprised to see her mate has commented on many of the fics in question—his account name, Daiyokai Perfection, makes her snort—with his attempts at 'correcting the facts.
She hums as she pulls up her account as the most prolific author for their characters' pairing. Maybe, she thinks with a smirk, she should write a new fic and purposefully get every single fact about inuyokai wrong.
She can almost hear his outrage now, but loving Sesshomaru in a snit has its own rewards.