Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any associated characters. This is a nonprofit work of fanfiction.
Kagome whinced as she stepped out of the grocery store. The bright white hot light of the sun struck her eyes making her raise a slender hand to shield them. "Ow! It's so bright today!" She said more to herself than the man next to her.
Sesshoumaru reflected sunlight off of his very being as he walked at a pace that seemed more like he was gliding next to her. "That is why you should close your eyes." He said lightly in an even barritone.
"How can you tell where you're going if you close your eyes?!" Kagome gaped as she followed after the silver haired Addonis ahead of her.
"Sense of smell." Sesshoumaru said just as lightly as his previous words.
Kagome didn't have a come back for that. She wasn't sure if she should attack that statement or if it even made any sense. How in the seven layers of all that is good and holy could he smell his way around the little concrete barriers between the front doors and the parkinglot? Nope, she wasn't going to touch that one. "Oh." Is all she said in return.
After a moment of walking Sesshoumaru announced. "I'm following you."
Kagome sped up her gait till she was beside the close eyed man carrying the groceries. "How can you follow me if I'm behind you?!"
An impish grin touched the corner of his full lips a moment before he said, in his soft even manner. "Sense of smell."
A/N: Hi... I've never done this before so I'm totally open for constructive critisizm.
This'll mostly be a bunch of one shots, they're not particularly interconnected at this point, and actually inspired by my sweet husband. I don't have a time line for updates, just as inspiration strikes.
Peace and Joy to you and yours,