Disclaimer: Inuyasha belongs to Takahashi-san. I as the Authoress of Reindeer Games make no claim to it.
Reindeer Games DDN
Prompt: Lightning
Word Count: 100
The storm raged around her, lightning split the night. However, Kagome paid little heed, thriving in the maelstrom of nature’s untamed fury. It reminded Kagome of someone, the one who through his words had opened her eyes to her own worth.
“Even you, Miko can do far better than the half-breed”, Kagome had to wonder why?
Why the “Aristocratic Assassin” of all people would deign to speak to her? Much less, offer his own wisdom on a subject that did not directly affect him. But it had woken Kagome up, since Sesshomaru had joined the Inu-tachi. And so she trained.