A/N: This will be my only author's note for this drabble set. I am going to be posting them as I write them. Not all will be 100 words directly. My muse is feeling particuraly verbose this evening. Anyway, please Read and Review!
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.
Prompt 1: FLOCCINAUCINIHILIFICATION – estimation that something is valueless (Naq)
Since the first time she met the cold demon lord Sesshomaru, Kagome was afraid.
Cold gold eyes normally void of anything, swirled with a volatile emotion.
His gaze lingered on the small form of Rin, long since dead, another innocent victim of Naraku.
She watched as he snatched the Tensaiga from its sheath, to hack desperately at the air above the little girl.
Nothing happened.
Glaring at the sword he whispered, “Worthless,” before hurling the sword deep into forest.
Cowering behind the large tree, she could do nothing but stare, heart-breaking for the hated enemy of her best friend.