Disclaimer: I gain no profit from the use of the honorable Rumiko Takahashi's characters. The characters and all proprietary rights belong to her. I use my perception of them solely to exercise my own imagination. My only gain from their use is the joy of writing!
9/7/13 DDN
Prompt: Family Tradition
100 words
It was difficult to resist rubbing his throbbing temples where a headache took root, growing into a full-blown migraine. He could not allow his family to see his irritation with their insistence on following this asinine tradition of visiting the local shrine fairs.
Walking through the throbbing throng, his senses were overwhelmed with the scents of takoyaki, dust covered stalls, and unwashed masses. Again tradition prevailed as he fought his instincts to prevent the sneer from gracing his face.
His ears suffered the shouting of excited children and incessant chatter surrounding him. Why had he agreed to this foolishness again?