The Dark Side of Love
Picture information
I made this one for a contest on deviantart. When i finished it, i decided to look around a bit in the internet for silimar stuff, since the idea of them both together kinda faszinated me. So i found this cool community =D
19.11.2009 12:10:45
"As for the pic, it's gorgeous! I'm faving! I love the darkness of it, like it's almost forbidden. They don't want each other, but need each other."
Thats exactly what i wanted to express in that image. You may have noticed that both dont look as comfy as they should. =D
Thank you both for your comments ^-^
Edit I: uh yes, i'm so proud of his sash too =D and i'm quite proud of the skin, it turned out quite nicely.
Edit II: Thank you all so much for this nice feadback ^-^ I'll try to make more pictures about them when i find some time.
As for the pic, it's gorgeous! I'm faving! I love the darkness of it, like it's almost forbidden. They don't want each other, but need each other.
Sweet pic, the contrast and detail are wonderfully done.