Gone with the Wind: Sesshomaru 1024x768 WP
Picture information
okay this is kinda a tease of the Gone with the Wind: SK art i did, There's a full version in the works but i have Sess done and i've giving PS time to sleep before i work on Kagome....
More or less this is some of the details you really dont get a chance to see very well when i load the final work up... so... Sess face<3
Gone with the Wind©Margaret Mitchell
art by r0o
4th quarter arts
I still blame this song: My own true love
More or less this is some of the details you really dont get a chance to see very well when i load the final work up... so... Sess face<3
Gone with the Wind©Margaret Mitchell
art by r0o
4th quarter arts
I still blame this song: My own true love
19.11.2010 07:45:17
FABULOUS WORK r0o0o0o!!!
he looks so real in a way =3
luffs it! ^-^
this is MASSIVE, pixil wise, what your actually seeing is not even 100% so i have the space to add the details. I usually work large, and then make the image smaller when i finally save it.
the full image, not just his face is 53oo~wX2600~h so there's a lot of room to move around and add loads of details.
How did you get the edges of the face so sharp and defined? When I try to paint, the face edges and stuff look all blurry...=\ Tips for a fellow artist??? XD