Freya's Stay My Hand Colored
Picture information
This is my FIRST attempt at digital coloring, so if this looks a little weird, that would be why. lol. Honestly though, the only part of my coloring that I am satisfied with, is Kagome. Freya's lineart; however, is amazing.
I would really appreciate constructive criticism since I would like to improve. After all, I spent two days on this, my hand is practically numb, and the results are still just mediocre. I think I have the most trouble with highlights and shadows. I would also like to stop using so many brushes to cheat my way through coloring art. lol.
Lineart (c) Freya Ishtar
Coloring (c) Aurora Antheia Raine
Cloud Brush (c) FantasyMaker (dA)
Lush Grass Brush (c) Imaliea (dA)
Blood and Ink Brushset (c) Hitokiri147 (dA)
Freya's original lineart: Here
I would really appreciate constructive criticism since I would like to improve. After all, I spent two days on this, my hand is practically numb, and the results are still just mediocre. I think I have the most trouble with highlights and shadows. I would also like to stop using so many brushes to cheat my way through coloring art. lol.
Lineart (c) Freya Ishtar
Coloring (c) Aurora Antheia Raine
Cloud Brush (c) FantasyMaker (dA)
Lush Grass Brush (c) Imaliea (dA)
Blood and Ink Brushset (c) Hitokiri147 (dA)
Freya's original lineart: Here
13.02.2011 03:01:43
Awww, thank you, Freya. You're too nice.
And yes, go ahead with the touch ups! I can't do highlights well for hair so I did what I could. I tried to make the jewels and beads gleam, but I think I turned down the opacity too low and forgot to turn it back up so it's not showing up real well. lol. I would love to see your attempt. =) Have fun with it!
Would you mind if I tried touching this up? I just want to do little things, like make the jewels on her armor and the beads in her hair gleam, maybe see if I can make it seem like the sun light is shining across her.
It'll probably just wreck your work and I will scrap it and not post anything, but I would like to try.