SilverDrache- Mon 23 Jun 2008
I love this newest chapter. I have been following along with this story from the beginning, and have not fallen away even for the wait in between. This was funney, gratifying, and portrayed Kagome and her non-scariness quite well. But what can I say, a kitten may be cute but it still has claws.

WhiteRose-Kurama- Thu 29 May 2008
Wow! I just love how things are finally moving. I hope they find her soon. Do they all know about the powers of those rings? Also, where do u plan on moving ur fics to? Cuz I can't get enough of the loopy chaos that the rings have caused. Keep up the good work. :P

HeartStar- Sun 04 May 2008
I can not wait please i love this story please update soon and if you are on another site please let me know.

HeartStar- Sun 04 May 2008
I can not wait please i love this story please update soon and if you are on another site please let me know.

studdedmisfit- Fri 18 Apr 2008
OMG i love this story it is so funny and creative cant wait for an update

RadioActiveOrange- Thu 17 Apr 2008
:O:O:O IM SO EXCITED!!! You finally updated. I could just pee myself in excitement. But I wont, for my own sake and my clothes. OMGSOEXCITEDYAY!

Sola- Thu 10 Apr 2008
and I now remmeber why I love this story so much! MORE please

sexy midnight miko- Thu 10 Apr 2008
could you tell me when you update this fic please?

mama-sama- Thu 10 Apr 2008
'How ironic would it be if he were to take a would-be lover from his half-brother, who was the result of his father taking his own lover?'

(chuckles lasciviously)

I am so taken with the above sentence from this story. Clever, Sexy, Ruthless.

(shivers like a hopeless hentai with anticipation to see how this pans out)

rowdysgirl- Thu 10 Apr 2008
OH HAPPY HAPPY dance dance HAPPY HAPPY dance dance!

You're still writing! And I enjoyed it very much! Thank you so much!

Katie- Thu 10 Apr 2008
omg i almost peed my pants when i saw that you updated! I am so excited! im reviewing before i read the chapter ... this is one of my favorite stroeis ever .. so funny... anyway i hope you keep updating and thanks!

lex1621- Wed 09 Apr 2008
Oh please update soon, this is an incredible story! I couldn't stop reading and I'm looking forward to more.

ktnoodle- Wed 09 Apr 2008
i love this story! i was so disappointed when the story ended abruptly, but now im happy since you've decided to continue! keep up the great work! :D

itachiiyoubastard- Wed 09 Apr 2008
It seems all the authors I so know and love decided April of 2008 was a good day to finally come back. Devoted fans should not have to wait this long people! *shakes fist into air* Love it anways. C=

dsm1980- Wed 09 Apr 2008
Wow! She's back!!! Good to see you haven't lost the magic touch :) Hope you don't keep us fans hanging too long. Any more, and we'll burst! BTW, is it just me or did the razor seem to come straight from Demon Barber of Fleet Street? ;)

sysclp- Wed 09 Apr 2008
Thank you so much for continuing this story! It is such a fun one and well written which makes it a joy to read. Please keep going with it!

I cant tell you how much I enjoy your stories, not only are they hilarious but they portray the human and youkai mind in such a way that its so easy to relate to. I mean come on who wouldn't want to know what Sesshoumaru is thining, I know i would give almost anything.

The decoder rings are pure genius, really I mean it. Not only is it original but it's funny as hell!

Thank you for the wonderful read, the great laughts, and for the look into the mind of a hentai Inu Tai Youkai.


sujin- Fri 29 Feb 2008
honestly, when will sesshoumaru realize how much he has hurt kagome? with his stupid bet and all. i do feel bad for koga, being rejected and then beaten. shippo is so cute, hahahaha i love him! well i hope the snake lady is killed, and i hope kagome gives many pieces of her mind to all three jerks.

jaderinx0x- Mon 12 Nov 2007
OMG!! this is SO good!
but please when are you going to continue with it!!
omg i wanna know really bad whats gonna happen!!!

when are you going to put up the new chapter????

xxxxxxxxx keep up the GREAT work! can't wait to read the next instalments.

Kariah- Thu 26 Jul 2007
This chapter took over my brain and commanded that I comment. I almost died of embarrasment reading this. When Sesshomaru ran his hand through his hair and said that females loved that, my mind stuttered to a stop, because all I could think was Kagome. Has. The. Ring.

It was about then that my mind went 'Uh-oh' and my heart went out to poor Sesshomaru. Then he flipped his hair and gave that "rare smile" -- I was so embarrassed for him, I had to stop reading for a minute and just LAUGH. You are a brilliant writer. Was it hard for you to portray this scene with a straight face?

This is a wonderful story and congratulations on placing 2nd in humor. You definitely deserve it!!!

attackedbyangrysocks- Thu 26 Jul 2007
Love the story, it's cracked me up alot, can't wait for the next update!!

Akasha- Wed 25 Jul 2007
Love this piece of fiction but why haven't you finished it?

Tiegrsi- Wed 06 Jun 2007
You know...when I first saw this story here..I kind of, well, skipped over it. Mostly because it wasn't complete, and I already have about 20-something incomplete stories I am reading...but I was over at AFF, and I saw the same story posted there, and gave in and started reading it. WOW. I REALLY, REALLY love this story! I hope you update soon, because I am dying to know what happens next! I love the humor you have added to everything, and it makes the story such a fun read! Please continue soon! You crack me up, and the plot is great, too. I can't wait to read more. :)

sysclp- Sat 12 May 2007
Please update soon! I laughed my head off thru this and really want to know how you are ending it.

Kanazawa- Tue 08 May 2007
wow, just wow!! I can't wait to read what happens next... What a wonderful idea for a story :)

Nikki-kins- Mon 30 Apr 2007
oh wow, i like this one alot.

If you wouldn't mind emailing me when you update so i could read the rest? i'd appreciate it :3

girlygirl- Mon 23 Apr 2007
When are you going to update? I've been missing this fic! what's going to happen to kagome?

Lady Skyfire- Mon 05 Mar 2007
*stares dumbfounded* more? *dies* This fic rox my sox! Need more! *dies some more* Excellent work so far, I'm in stitches and on the edge of my seat! I can't wait for you next update! Thanks for posting this!! ^^

Taje- Tue 30 Jan 2007
YES! Very interesting beginning. All that cereal! Boy! I shall read on.

sesshsmate101- Mon 29 Jan 2007
so.... snake woman captured kagome to get to sesshoumaru? hmm... ... ... EVIL BITCH! poison? gosh she's a cheat (sorry in a 'stick-up-for-kaogme- mood..) anywya i love this story! it's by far one of the funniest, twisted, slightly dramatic, and oh, so perverted stories i have ever read! i love it!

Chaos-and-Serenity- Tue 23 Jan 2007
Great chapter! Sesshoumaru was a trip! "He’d play poker, he decided." I loved how he treated Kouga! Pinky and the Brain were quite hilarious as well.

The snake bitch needs to die. I almost feel bad that Kagome's dirty little secret will (most likely) be revealed, but it was pretty selfish. Shit, I'd have done it too! I take it that only Kagome, or a priestess, can use the rings' telepathic capabilities. Hence, why the snake lady's minions were chucking them at her - so she could 'activate' them? Just a guess. Sesshoumaru is not going to be happy...

I can't wait for the next chapter. This story is a blast to read, which is why it's spanned three quarters in the IYFG. Good luck to you there!

wackywisher- Mon 22 Jan 2007
great story! can't wait to see what's up next!!!

Rinseternalsoul- Sun 21 Jan 2007
Congrat's on the nomination's. This story is very funny. I'm sure it will win. This chapter was strange at first, then I realized what those idiot 'bad guys' were up to by throwing those rings at Kagome. And poor Kagome! It looks like things have come full circle. A confession may be in order soon. I hope Sesshomaru forgives her - maybe after a good spanking. LOL!

lilmoe31- Sun 21 Jan 2007
That was a great chapter. I just love cliffhangers. Can't wait for the next chapter.

Gina- Sat 20 Jan 2007
O_O wah!! such an evil cliffhanger!!
and I have to wait another month or so for an update, *whimper*
But I made to this chapter and I can do it again! *strikes a pose*
Quite good. One question though...are Sesshoumaru and Kagome -ever- going to do the nasty?

clavira- Sat 20 Jan 2007
well... that's an interesting turn of events. I wonder if Sesshoumaru will kill her, even if she doesn't tell the formula for the youkai-features-disguise-thingy or if he will just torture and kill her and then revive her with Tensaiga until she gives in...
but I'm sure he's gonna be pissed.

Fluffy's Cage of Wonders- Sat 20 Jan 2007
I get it now!!

Rea- Sat 20 Jan 2007
I love this story. It's so funny. Waiting for the next chapter. Keep up the good work

Leira and Frooky- Sun 14 Jan 2007
oh same person but i wanted to ask if maybe you might have the insporation to put some seen with them playing DDR (Dance Dance Revalution) or spenner ^_^ some where in a fucher ch. i just got the game and i'm so hooked on it!! i played for like 3hour strate the other day man that was x__X but fun, very fun!
loved the ch and i still can't wait for more!
Leira ^.~

Leira and Frooky- Sun 14 Jan 2007
Yay! fun fun fun! well kind of, kag is capchered again.-_- you know she needs to get better at this whole deffend your-self thing! anyways i can't wait for the next ch! ^.^

Addah- Sat 06 Jan 2007
Kagome Better Put A Hurt On Snake Lady.

thehotty- Wed 03 Jan 2007
You really need to get this thing moving faster. I really like it, but it took you quite a while to get chapter 14 up. It's a really good story.

Sidhe- Tue 02 Jan 2007
YAY!!!! That's the kagome that I love ::grins:: I'm glad she set the idot wolf straight

lilmoe31- Mon 01 Jan 2007
Once again you have done it, bringging out another great chapter. Thanks for that one and can't wait for the next. I believe that it takes you about a month and a half to sent out your next chapter, so I see you then. Once again great chapter. Thank you so much for this ff, it is really a very good read and wonderful storyline.

Kit- Sun 31 Dec 2006
AWESOME!!! Can't wait for more...btw, do you have a mailing list that I can be added to? ^^; It would be very helpful

nada- Sun 31 Dec 2006
awesome fic!!
plz update it soon

Gabby- Sun 31 Dec 2006
My love for Kouga is conflicting with my love for Kagome. D:
And Sesshy's seeming like an uber jerk. :C

o well

PunkrockerX- Sat 30 Dec 2006
wow....what a chapter...i feel a little bad Kouga; keyword a little. so what's with the snake lady? she's gonna steal kagome's beauty or something??? lolz. well please update soon!!!

Tana-san- Sat 30 Dec 2006
You got what it takes to love a character in one scene and hate in the next, then feel sorry for him in the next one. Man, Kouga has got to be one dense and delusional guy. Kagome should know better than to think she's safe in a parking garage alone, be it day or night. You'd think living in the feudal era and seeing all the gruesome stuff happen to women there would help train her intellect to never be alone like that. Besides, what does Mommy and school teach litttle ones about being alone and strangers? Sometimes she's too stubborn for her own good. Great job, as always. Can't wait till Sesshoumaru shows Kagome that sex CAN be enjoyable as well as satisfying. Guys like Kouga are only in it for self gratifacation and it's guys like Sesshoumaru that we crave there were more of. I know Kouga loves her and all, but he hasn't a clue how to make love to a woman. Oh and what's up with snake lady? Is she a decendent of Mistress Centipede therefore wanting to cause Kagome trouble too?

Chaos-and-Serenity- Sat 30 Dec 2006
Alright, Inuyasha nearly killed me this chapter! He stole the spotlight in my eyes! "There wasn't any money involved!" LOL!!! I feel awful for Kouga, but you gotta be frank with guys like that. Kagome, you go girl! She held her own, that's for sure.

I take it the snale demon lady-thing has the human decoder? Maybe...? Anyway, it was an intriguing ending. I guess the snake bitch ain't too happy that her precious Sesshoumaru has it bad for Kagome - and vice versa!

I'm dying to read what happens next! This story is just too entertaining! Love it!

Sesshomarei- Sat 30 Dec 2006
i love this story. I can't wait to see what happens next. Please don't leave us hanging in suspense for too long hehe.

Rinseternalsoul- Sat 30 Dec 2006
It is always such a joy to read your updates. I have laughed so hard, but also felt so horrible for Kouga. I mean, he's dense, but a really good wolf at heart. But oh, Sesshomaru... mmmm.... and speaking french. Ah, the language of love. Very sexy indeed. And it was so perfect for Inuyasha to be with two women! Especially when he tried to justify it because they were twins! HAHA! Too funny! I loved it. The whole thing. Now I'm dying to know what snake-bitch is going to do with our Kagome? Great cliffie!

Seli- Sat 30 Dec 2006
Squee! I love this story! I want one of those decoder rings darnit. Preferably the one that the creepy snake lady has...more directly to the opposite sex. Although, I think if I did try that...all I'd get would be static. Anyway, good story...dont know why I didn't start reading it

Elly- Sat 30 Dec 2006
*gasps, cries* why is she being kidnapped...I am assuming it's someone..either after the jewel..>__> perhaps not...

augh! evil cliffhanger. Very nice. Sess was so smexy.
I hope Kagome doesn't get poisoned or anything.

litlest_amazon- Wed 27 Dec 2006
you are so cruel to end on this note!!

Addah- Wed 27 Dec 2006
Please Update Soon Please Please Please!

The Pretend Child- Thu 21 Dec 2006
I hope that there's another chapter coming in the near future. I started reading this story a while ago and had to drop it due to severe studying time. Please finish! that would be the greatest Christmas present ever...That is so sad that she kind of went somewhere with that wolf. Ugh.

Eiko- Wed 13 Dec 2006
OMG i so hate you for that cliffy!!!! Update soon, i'm dying here, i absolutely love this story. Who is it that she sees i'm so curious!!!!!

Addah- Thu 07 Dec 2006
WHAT! A cliffy, u can't do this 2 me! U must update soon.

lilmoe- Tue 05 Dec 2006
I love this story so much. I find myself looking through my emails just to see if you have updated the story,and when seeing that you have its like I've won the lotto or something. Thank you for such a mind blowing story. I have told many people about your fanfic; thoughs who are looking for a good fanfic to read, and thoughs who know nothing about anime. Thats how much I love this tale of love, lost, and a lot of funny stuff. Please don't make us wait to long for the next chapter. Thank you for letting us into your mind. You are truely someone we all can look forward to reading one of the GREATEST fanfics out there.

Frooky and Leira- Mon 04 Dec 2006
i'm soooo~! happy that you send out e-mails when the ch is up! thank you very much!! so witch one is it Inu or Sesshy? but by her respons i would say Sesshy ^__^ i'm feel so hot now. and beleave me that isn't an easy thing with no heat and snow coming down out side. LOVE THE CH! and i can't wait for the next one! KUDOS TO YOU!
Leira ^.~

Anita- Mon 04 Dec 2006
Ohhhh you are so evil a cliffy that was so good by passing koga keeps calling kags his woman please more soon.

Anita- Mon 04 Dec 2006
Ohhhh you are so evil a cliffy that was so good by passing koga keeps calling kags his woman please more soon.

Rinseternalsoul- Sun 03 Dec 2006
God I loved that chapter! I was dying for the moment when Inuyasha and Sesshomaru figured out that Kouga had been with Kagome, and it was everything that I had hoped for! haha! I have laughed so hard! My favorite line was this, when Sesshomaru thought: "It occurred to him in a distant, idle sort of way, as he closed the smoking claws of his right hand around the throat of a much less satisfied wolf demon, that they would have to find a new Lord of the East." HAHA! I'm still laughing! Great job. You so deserve honors for this story. It's been a great read so far, and I know that it will continue to be up until the very last sentence. You really are one of the best Inuyasha fanfiction authors out there.

AnitaGrace- Sun 03 Dec 2006
Yay, I'm so excited!! I can't waaiitt!!!!

ktshabatie- Sun 03 Dec 2006
AMAZING! I can't wait for the next chapter!! :D

ktshabatie- Sun 03 Dec 2006
AMAZING! I can't wait for the next chapter!! :D

DarkMiko6Decortiquer- Sun 03 Dec 2006
Please tell me Sesshoumaru is not with a beautiful woman, too cliche. Or Inuyasha. It would be interesting if the woman jealous of her tried to do something to her which made her mad. But Kagome in a catifht and jealous-BORING!!!

Or she wants to murder Inu and Sesshy for the bet, but what u r implying makes me want to stop reading, tho the story has been good so far. Even her puking her guts out.

Ophelia Undone- Sat 02 Dec 2006
Excellent! Once again you display your evil by ending this great chapter in another cliffie (shame!). I'm just glad that everyone is (mostly) on the same page. I can't wait for the next one.

Ninja Rikku- Sat 02 Dec 2006
fantabulous! Update soon please?

SilverWaters- Sat 02 Dec 2006
Oh, Kami, please let it be Sesshoumaru! I am craving some serious Sesshou/Kagome action. ::Hugs:: Awesome job so far. I can't wait for the next chapter. I hope it will be soon. Good luck!

sess621- Sat 02 Dec 2006
"Hungrier than she thought?" Oh lord, don't tell me she's pregnant now?

AW555- Sat 02 Dec 2006
*Cries* NOO Why must you end it there? It was great! Can't wait for the next one!

tajia- Sat 02 Dec 2006
Awwwwww please update very, soon I am so hooked on this story!

swasdiva- Sat 02 Dec 2006
I...freaking LOVE...this FIC!!!!! How do you *do* that??? Every chapter is better than the last...the mayhem, the misunderstandings, the *testosterone*!!!! I swear, I get giddy with every update. Let the drama ensue!!!

clavira- Sat 02 Dec 2006
Hehe *snickers* Finally she's going to get her revenge - I hope you don't make her give in too soon, I would like to see Inu Yasha and Sesshoumaru sweat. They did afterall make the bet and I know that I would be pissed!!!

Update soon

Fluffy-kins- Sat 02 Dec 2006
EEE!!! I bet it's Inu-Yasha with his groupies!! YAY GROUPIES!!! I'm not sure if that'll work in his favor but more power to him! Sit his ass into oblivion!!! >. I mean if it is him... You don't know how how happy you've made me!! I was wallowing in my boredum and procrastination and you're my hero!! Yay! Update soon!! (SOONER!!!)^.^

Vaneles-sama- Sat 02 Dec 2006
You have to update again soon! I must know what happens! I bet Sesshou and Inu are there! Ha! Well update soon. Ja ne!

lilmoe- Fri 24 Nov 2006
I have been looking for a great story to read that has everything, and your fic has just that. It keeps me on edge all while at the same time I'm laughing so hard that I fall out of my chair. Please keep it coming, don't leave us hanging for to long. and again; thanks for your story, I truely love it. Can't wait for the next chapter.

Mrs_Sesshomaru- Sat 18 Nov 2006
Rhiannon! *shakes finger* So now Sesshy is gonna smell Kouga on her & lose his mind. Arg! BUt I must admit... that was too funny! The whole puking thing. Perhaps her having sex with him won't count because he didn't get to finish? You know, spraying his load & all? *LOL gross!* Instead she'd sprayed hers... something chicks aren't supposed to do... Hmmm... *ROTF* You are the bomb! Keep it up.

Kitty Kat- Thu 16 Nov 2006
Haha, I think it was justified that she got her cherry popped by Kouga, not Sessh or Inuyasha. I wonder how she's going to convince Kouga to let her go...?

Kittycat- Thu 16 Nov 2006
NOOOOO! What the hell did you do ruining a story like this! Kagome is that stupid.
With Kuga!? EW
Well it was a good story while it lasted.

ShadesofNight- Tue 14 Nov 2006
You know, I actually LIKE that she slept with Kouga, making it so neither Sesshoumaru or Inuyasha won the bet. I mean it isn't as if she liked or had a good time sleeping with Kouga, if anything she had an awful time.

Can't wait to see what happens next (as always), reactions should be interesting. I wonder if Shippou was the kitsune that helped Sesshoumaru with the rings? (That is, if I remember correctly about a kitsune helping with the rings) If it was, I can easily see how such a trickster would put the added bonus of 'reading demon thoughts' into them.

swasdiva- Mon 13 Nov 2006
I pretty much knew this was going to happen in some form or fashion when they ran into each other, and boy oh boy, you didn't disappoint. Gotta make Sesshou work for it, eh? Especially since he's starting to realize she meant more to him than he'd been aware of. Gah! Another great chapter of a fabulous fic! The twists are mahvelous!

darkjewel- Mon 13 Nov 2006
I loved it! It seems more real now, as opposed to it being a perfect score for Sesshy. And I've been there. Drunk, bummed about a fight, and there's this hot friend that I really didn't see that way . . . next morning you get a hangover and some really bad moments of "Oh, what did I do?" Sesshy gonna have a fit! I can't wait! Nobody touch her fingers while torturing her!!!!

phishbon3s- Mon 13 Nov 2006
Hmmm... *taps pencil* Youkai can smell it... Well, I assume that youkai can smell their coupling. *shrugs* I mean, they can smell innocence... let me do the math.... Kagome - innocence + male/youkai smell = groove thing has occured. That math seems to work. *nods head* Much easier then discussing the improbablity of the well ever being distroyed. That is mind-boggling. I have discussed that on the email ring before. The well forever being distroyed is an universal impossiblity. Continuity will stop you or press the reset button ...... *the sound of gears screeching to a halt* Dear me, I have done it again. Do excuse me. RhiannonoftheMoon-san please take all the time you need and ignore the nay-sayers.

Mrs.x3Mustang- Mon 13 Nov 2006
you'er right. killing you would suck because then we wouldn't be able to see kagome and sesshoumaru end up together (in writing, i mean, i can envision them right now, but it's not down in words Xp). so instead, i shall rave....=p this is all to relieve the pressure, i don't think i mean anything in this...


*..sigh* i think i'm done =], keep up the good work!

Sidhe- Mon 13 Nov 2006
I vow death to the authoress for this catastrophe ::cries::

heh- Mon 13 Nov 2006
lol how disappointing this story has become.. a kagome/kouga? Perhaps I'm wrong but.. any youkai can smell it? So now she's also pregnant for kouga? like I said so much promise in this but.. disappointing. Will she have the baby or have the cliche miscarriage?
Was good while it lasted, take care.

Inusbabe- Mon 13 Nov 2006
OOOHHH NOOO!! Looking forward to more

Kayka- Mon 13 Nov 2006
I rarely review, but this last chapter has me greatly saddened. I can't wait to see this story completed.

Keep up the good work, and more, please!

sesshou_lover- Mon 13 Nov 2006
I won't kill you for the last chapter, but I will say that she is incredibly stupid to continue drinking when she has no tolerance. What did it get her? A night she didn't even enjoy.

lilmoe30- Mon 13 Nov 2006
That was the best chapter yet. My jaw dropped to the floor; Kouga and Kagoma. OMG. You have me completely speechless. Sesshomaru is going to be PISSED, but I love it. PLEASE PLEASE don't keep us waiting to long. I have read some of the reviews and some of us can't go on with our lives if you don't antitup another chapter soon.

Rinseternalsoul- Sun 12 Nov 2006
Sadly, I can empathize with Kagome. Been there, done that. Of course, none of them looked as hot as Kouga... but, along with inhibitions goes eyesight... and good sense. Personally, I would have passed on the toast. That would have only made me barf again. Yuck. Well, she knows about the bet and she's screwed herself into a flase relationship. Boy, Kagome has a way of finding trouble. Poor girl. If only the trouble I found was nearly has beautiful with a gleaming set of fangs. *sigh* Great job as always. I look forward to seeing what Sesshomaru thinks of this turn of events. Something tells me he's going to be rather perturbed.

Racheru- Sun 12 Nov 2006
I feel so bad for Koga. Poor wolf. Always been in love with Kagome and he finally has her, but it was only the alcohal...I could just see his hurt's making me cry...

I don't like Koga, though he is one of my top ten hot guys on Inuyasha, it's sad, he is so sweet and so hot and stuff...poor Koga. I know, no one is to blame, except the alcohal...but Kagome is going to be a bit mean. I mean, Koga! This is Koga who has loved her all these times and he believes that they are now together...*sniffle* poor Koga....

sesshsmate101- Sun 12 Nov 2006
LOL! I won't kill you, besides its actually an awesome twist to the story. really kaes you think ahead and all that. Can;t wait till you update plz do so soon!

AccidentalGoddess- Sun 12 Nov 2006
Must...restrain...fist of DEATH!!! Oh my frickin' god! I know you've probably heard a lot about this already, but KOUGA!!!???? EEEEWwwwww. Oh, man is this going to make things more complicated. I can't wait to see what happens next and just how hard she has to bitch slap that wolf. And what will Sesshomaru do when he finds her and finds out. (Frankly, considering how many he's banged over the years, I has no room to talk.) It's definately going to be fun. I so love your stories. More soon please!!!

flyingteapot- Sun 12 Nov 2006
Tar and feathers sound tempting but I am having darn too much fun with your story, so no need for such.
Great chapter. Loved the part about a moody, melancholy Sesshoumaru wandering the night streets. So, the old dog has not only perverted thoughts.
The whole Kagome/Kouga fiasco surprised me and had me cringing while reading it. Oh yeah, alcohol is evil. I really hope Kagome finds her voice for at least some damage control...but Kouga's comment about all youkai being able to smell "it" kind of worries me. I can't wait to read what will happen when Sesshoumaru finds her...and Kouga. Ooh, I'm hoping for some testosterone clashing chaos...Amazing what a silly plastic ring can trigger.
Kudos to you, your story and this agitating chapter!

Ophelia Undone- Sun 12 Nov 2006
How about torture? Can we torture you? A little Chinese Water Torture, perhaps? Won't touch the fingers. Promise! ^_^

Beckie- Sun 12 Nov 2006
Does this mean Kouga is not very well endowed? Could it be so small it did not break her hymen? Maybe she is sore because he missed alot. LOL I hope you clarify in the next chapter.

Irish Black Rosie- Sun 12 Nov 2006
You evil evil woman.
Sesshoumaru is not going to be too happy that he didn't get Kagome first.
Hey, don't like Kouga keept Kagome!! Sesshoumaru needs Kagome for... strategic miko sexy positions. :D
Alrighty, great chapter! ^_^ Can't wait for more, espcially can't wait for Sesshoumaru's reaction to the new development. :O

Pats- Sun 12 Nov 2006
Then I'll kill you after you finish the story, wow that was SO WRONG, I still love your story but I certainly don’t like you at the moment…..nah….but all the same this isn’t sitting well on me I hope you find a way to make it all better

Fluffy-kins- Sun 12 Nov 2006
Oh My GOD!!! You didn't! That had to be the funniest thing I've ever had second hand witness to (And I've had second hand witness to a lot of funny stuff) Oh wow Ouch? I'm in shock I can't even find words to say, but wow that was friggin awesome!! I never even saw that coming!! :D Can't wait to see what happens. Update soon!!

Arsenic- Mon 06 Nov 2006
Awesome chapter! Hope you get a chance to update again soon!!

Chaos-and-Serenity- Mon 30 Oct 2006
What a drastic turn, yet I'm still addicted - and this is my crack. I'm glad Kouga was the first to find her; it promises to be even more amusing this way! Despite Inuyasha's whoring ways, I still find him likeable, not to mention that it's totally possible that he'd turn out like that. 500 years of life without dying of boredom - yeah, we'd all be sluts. I wonder how Kagome will react when she learns of his 'new' ways. Should be fun!

And Sesshoumaru Does Not Lose - I think that sums him up pretty good.

Thanks and good luck with your noms!

DarkMiko6Decortiquer- Mon 30 Oct 2006
You are bad. I am sorta disappointed about Inuyasha but then again he had shown his true colors years ago.


ktshabatie- Mon 30 Oct 2006
Ahh so good! I can't wait for the next update, I want to know what happens when they find each other!! Update soon!! :]

Andi- Sun 29 Oct 2006
Awesome Twist!

sesshsmate101- Sun 29 Oct 2006
OOO! i was not expecting to never be able to return to the past! it was totaly surprising! anyways, yeah im reviwing here... i think last time i reviewd on AFF.Net so yeah it balances lol anyways awesome story! I can't wait till you update again!

Inu_Twins- Sun 29 Oct 2006
YAY another wonderful chapter and i can't wait for the next update

wynter89- Sun 29 Oct 2006
That is amazing.

So now it takes place in the present...
Sesshomaru is looking for her, Kouga found her, Inu Yasha is being like a man-whore...

good luckl
i hope you update soon

Rinseternalsoul- Sun 29 Oct 2006
So Inuyasha can watch?! That jerk! Now, it may just be me, but at this point I'm kind of cheering for Kouga. Between Inuyasha and Sesshomaru, he's the lesser of the canine evils. I mean, it's sweet and all that Sesshomaru still thinks of her, but for cying out loud, he's still such a perv! Well, at least His Smugness will have some competition for her hand. This should get really interesting. Great job!

mangadreams- Sun 29 Oct 2006
terrific chapter. luved it!!!

Avid Reader of Fan FIction- Sun 29 Oct 2006
I just want to say, I absolutely LOVE your writing! "Cereal Box Romance" is a great and beautifully-written story (along with "Darkness," "To Shed A Little Light-" need I say more?) Not only is it creative and incredibly funny (not to mention the hot love scenes), but the characterization is amazing! (considering the circumstances; I mean, would Sesshomaru in the real anime ever get together with Kagome? Probably not) The twists of the plot are also incredible: I was thinking that Sesshomaru would continue to seduce Kagome in the Feudal Era, she would eventually give in, they fall in love, they live happily ever after- I think you get the point. However, having the well get blown up- I can't describe how surprised and delighted I was when I read chapter eleven (I would've liked it more if you wrote how they met again *hint*hint*). I would also like to compliment the careful way you choose your words to make your story more entertaining; for example, the part in chapter eleven where Souta is teasing Kagome and she has just slapped him. I have to say, any other word but "howled" and I would not have laughed, but . . . "howled" was there, so, I laughed!
In short, I think you're a wonderful writer and will eagerly be awaiting more of your works in the future. Have you considered writing a book and getting it published? Seriously, consider it. I enjoy some of your stories (particularly this one) a lot more than I do when reading some of the published fiction out there.

Monika- Sun 29 Oct 2006
WOW, it just keeps on getting better and better. I can't wait for the next chapter. Once again WOW!!!

Monika- Sun 29 Oct 2006
WOW, it just keeps on getting better and better. I can't wait for the next chapter. Once again WOW!!!

sumire- Sun 29 Oct 2006
...oops, I sent the last review without finishing. Ahem.

AGH!! You weave such an elaborate tale, and leave off right there! NOOO *cries* Sesshou, go find Kagome! Now!!! D: *impatient for that time* Please update as soon as possible! AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!! (life can be really hectic, yeah?)


3 Sumire

sumire- Sat 28 Oct 2006

Fluffy's Cage of Wonders- Sat 28 Oct 2006
Whoa... Inu-Yasha sure has come along way, now hasn't he? hahaha! I nearly fell out of my chair i read that sesshoumaru was behind the rings!! lol great chapter. Hope to see an update soon!! :D

Andi- Tue 24 Oct 2006
OMG! You need to get the next chapter up! Your story is awesome! This IS the best story that i have ever read! And i cant wait to read more!

ktshabatie- Mon 23 Oct 2006
Aww what a good chapter! But UGHHH you better update soon! Stupid cliff hangers. :D

Monika- Mon 23 Oct 2006
I love this fic. This the funniest I've read. Please don't keep us waiting to long for chapter 11. You Rock!!!

sesshsmate101- Wed 18 Oct 2006
YES!! I'm soooo glad you updated! This story is sooooo awesome! i love it! I'm glad SEssh finally "made a move" but am alos glad Kagome stopped him as well, it made me giggle like a school girl lol. Also, i have to say my favortie line was when Jaken though "His stff of one head gets more action then my staff of two heads" (something like that) I laughed soooo hard! I fell out of my chair! lol you are an awesome author! Plz update as soon as possible!

Flightoffancy- Wed 18 Oct 2006
Wow, I didn't see this coming. I thought this story was going to fluff and yummy lemons and very funny. Which it does all that (the bathing Sesshomaru scene was delicious) and with a scary twist.

You are the best. I thought I would die laughing when Inuyasha and Shippo were fighting and Rin was alternately cheering on Shippo and happy that Kagome was leaving. For the first time I actuallly felt sorry for Sesshomaru he really doesn't know what he has gotten himself into.

I think Kagome is learning a lesson in greed and priorities. I am thrilled for your nominations and was wondering how you go about nominating someone or a story. Do you have to be an author also?

Anyway I can't wait til the next chapter. Til next time, Deb.

karla- Tue 17 Oct 2006
GAH!!!!!!!!!!!! how can you just leave it there?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! that is cruel and unusual punishment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please update SOON!!!!!! i must know what happens next! I absolutely love this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rinseternalsoul- Tue 17 Oct 2006
This chapter was just as great as the rest! I have laughed so much... especially about Jaken thoughts on Sesshomaru's "Staff of One Head"! HAHAHA! Hilarious! You are great with comedy. I think Kagome has gotten herself in a real mess this time. Poor thing. Having the ring was just too tempting, but the reprecussions are going to be more than she bargained for. I'm excited to see what you have planned for our girl next. Great writing!

wynter89- Tue 17 Oct 2006
Funny and hilarious... I love how Sesshomaru thinks... sooo perverted, like how many people accually have sesshomaru as a perverted dog? not many i tell ya... You pull it off very well... I love it!
good luck
i hope you update soon

Ophelia Undone- Tue 17 Oct 2006
You're evil.

45cats- Tue 17 Oct 2006
I check every day to see if you have posted anything. I am torn between wanting you to post more often, and being glad that you don't. The editing of your chapters is always crisp and clean. I don't know whether that is due to a beta, or if it is a natural gift, but it's got an outstanding impact on the quality of your work. Seriously, this is the type of discipline writers strive to achieve and you seem to do it effortlessly. I print out everything you write and hoard it.

Sesshoumaru-Angel-09- Mon 16 Oct 2006
I love this story please update soon!!!

jade- Sat 30 Sep 2006 i was lmao thru the whole fic...can't wait till u update

Amaterasu_Tsukiyomi67- Sat 30 Sep 2006
this story is still amazing! this story still wins the internet! This chapter has got to be my favorite so far.

I absolutely love some of these one-liners. The two best were Miroku's "I put my money on Sesshoumaru." and the "come to me bitch and we'll make sweet love in the moonlight" grin.

Hope you update this small piece of awesomeness very soon!

Leira and Frooky- Thu 28 Sep 2006
love it as alwasy! ooooh so many ways this could go! hey in a little thing at the end of next ch do you think you could put what Sesshy was thinking?
anyways KUDOS TO YOU!

KogasGirl- Wed 27 Sep 2006
Please update as soon as possible! ^_^

Mrs_Sesshomaru- Tue 26 Sep 2006
*ROTF* I love this freakin story!! Great Kami above when Miroku said his money was on Sesshomaru... I thought I'd die from lack of oxygen!! *giggle* Great job, as usual & congrats on your award!

45cats- Tue 26 Sep 2006
Have I told you lately how much I love this story? In particular, the whole playboy persona you gave Sesshoumaru seems so very much in character when you couple it with his thoughts. Kind of like the cool guy in high school that never has to do anything but stand there, and gets all the girls. heh. Really, really well done. sounds like Sesshoumaru kisses better.

CelesPrye- Tue 26 Sep 2006
OMG LOL you must continue!! please please please!!!

please please please!!!

I LOVE this story =)

CelesPrye- Tue 26 Sep 2006
OMG LOL you must continue!! please please please!!!

please please please!!!

I LOVE this story =)

FallenGoddessoftheMoon- Mon 25 Sep 2006
HEY! I loveeeee your story!!! I think it's original and hilarious! XD
I haven't read a fanfic in such a long time and your's is so refreshing! ^^ I'd love to be on your mailing list!
It was hilarious when Inuyasha grabbed Kagome's butt, but she thought he was Sesshoumaru and called him a hentai! haha that was pretty good! And I just can't seem to find my favorite lines, but I know they are in there somewhere!
I can't wait for your update!! AHHHH!

Until next time,

karla- Mon 25 Sep 2006
NOOOO!!! must the perverted doggie thoughts stop!!! damn you inuyasha!!!!! hmm please update soon!! i must know what happens next! and hmm what shall Kagome do when she finds out about the bet?????? dun dun duh dunnnn

AnitaGrace- Mon 25 Sep 2006
Oh my god! This is so exciting - I'm so excited! This story always makes me so happy. I love getting the little email telling me you've updated. It's so happy-fying.

I love the line "I don't want company, I want pu-" I sat there for a moment, trying to figure out what Inuyasha's cut off word was and then I go, oh. 0.0

I firgured it out. ^.^

Ophelia Undone- Mon 25 Sep 2006
It seems that with every chapter, your story gets better and better. And yet, Sesshoumaru remains a sexy beast and Inu Yasha an unrepentant bastard. Kagome is either the luckiest girl in the world or the most doomed. Or both.

sesshsmate101- Sun 24 Sep 2006
stupid inuyasha! gosh! now I can't hear Sesshoumaru's hentai thoughts... GRRR! lol. anyways greath chappy! A I loved the kissing scene between sessh ang kagz.. it was sooooooo...... welllll HOT!

SilverWaters- Sun 24 Sep 2006
Gah! He broke the ring! I sense the demise of many more cereal boxes in the near future. That is, if Kagome decides to try and get a new ring. But what if they aren't giving them away anymore and have moved onto a new toy?! Damn you commercialism!!!!!

Beckie- Sun 24 Sep 2006
Another great chapter. This must explain while at the beginning Kagome is looking for a new dog decoder ring. My favorite quote from this chapter is "He hadn’t known one could be kissed like that, but Kagome did and it got him wondering what else his friend knew. And whether she would do it with Kikyou while he watched?" Even in the feudal era every guys fantasy!

Inu_Twins- Sun 24 Sep 2006
Yes!! Another awesome wonderful chapter! Plz Update ASAP!! I must know what happens next!!

Renoumaru- Wed 20 Sep 2006

No! -Dies.- Don't end it yeeeeet! -Whines.- Make a new chapter, soon!

fluffy-kins- Tue 19 Sep 2006
When Sesshoumaru comment on the other ring does that mean he has it or just that he had seen it before she threw it away? He's gonna find it right? (I think I already asked that but just so you can answer it gain and just in case i didn't.) Update soon!!

OnlineGirl- Mon 18 Sep 2006
LOVED it as usual, you must update^____________^

Suki- Mon 18 Sep 2006
you are sooo evil!!!!! how can you leave it there?????

Katsumi- Mon 18 Sep 2006
*falls off chair* YOU CAN'T JUST END IT THERE!!!! (laughs) But I suppose you can, can't you. Anyways, you're a great writer and I love this story so far. ^.~ Can't wait for an update.

sesshsmate101- Sun 17 Sep 2006
GRR!! That was evil! SOOOO EVIL! But awesome chappy...a dnf the part where Sessh said "Well, this sesshoumaru is a sexy beast." WOW! I laughed so hard i fell out nof my chair!! LOL!

AnitaGrace- Sun 17 Sep 2006
AHH! You evil evil girl! You better update soon or I'll send you an evil... thing... yeah... So there!

This is so exciting, how long to you think it's going to be?

karla- Sun 17 Sep 2006
ooooo! you are evil incarnate! that is a vile place to leave a cliffy!!!! :) please hurry with the next update! i cannot wait to see what happens!!!!! and oh! an interesting twist! haha will sesshy be inu's father? bahahahahaha! that would send poor inuyasha for a whirl! haha

Entity of Sorrows- Sat 16 Sep 2006
I love it! And this song!

Milk and Cereal
Milk and Cereal
milk and cereal
Cereal and milk

Milk and Cereal
Milk and Cereal
Cereal and Milk, Cereal and

Yeah, it's wierd but I love it. Keep up the good work!

fluffy-kins- Sat 16 Sep 2006
Fluffy can only imagine what you mean by 'o-face' but she doesn't want to say it... It'll make her feel dirty....

CelesPrye- Sat 16 Sep 2006
AAACK!! O_O why did you stop there super super super meanie!!!


please please please continue =) I wanna see Sessh find that ring!!!! =D and oh how the tables will have turned ^_^ *snicker*

Jean- Sat 16 Sep 2006
You evil woman! What a place to end the chapter. Putting that aside, the perfume spray was a really good idea to keep the boys at bay. Of course she keeps wearing skirts around them. I got quite a few chuckles out of imagining Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha rubbing themselves on her every chance they get. And poor Shippo getting a crayon shoved up his nose. Need another chapter soon.

SilverWaters- Sat 16 Sep 2006
You are evil. Pure evil. My jaw dropped when I saw that you were ending the chapter that way. And it was getting gooooood!
Funniest story ever. Keep it up! ^_^

AnitaThePapermaster- Sat 16 Sep 2006
wow.... way to leave it off! arg i want to know what happens!!!! please update soon!

Lucifer00001- Sat 16 Sep 2006
ooooo thats just not fair! i want to know what happens?!?! please update soon, i have a hard time waiting for the next chapters to come out since this is such an awsome story and im too curious!

Beckie- Sat 16 Sep 2006
That was truly evil.

Noacat- Sat 16 Sep 2006
This is my favorite chapter so far! Funny and with a little romance. Nice. I especially liked the bit with Shippou and the crayon up his nose. Truly hilarious. I nearly fell off my chair laughing. And the bit at the end...nice...but SOOOOOOOO unfair with the cliffhanger. *whines* Anyway, I'm glad to see the update...and I can't wait till Sesshoumaru finds that ring...because I'm seriously hoping he does...for mayhem shall ensue!

AccidentalGoddess- Sat 16 Sep 2006
I absolutely LOVE this fic! It's absolutely hilarious and wonderful! My favorite line this chapter..."Butt sniffing did not count." I was rolling. Looking forward to more...and if Sesshomaru is actually going to kiss her or if Kagome is going to wind up embarassed. And here's a fun thought, what if Sesshomaru finds the black ring? Heh heh heh.

izzyco2001- Sat 16 Sep 2006
You're evil! Especially with crayons! You should have told us what color it was. hehe.... Good work.

45cats- Sat 16 Sep 2006
I really love the way you write Kagome and Sesshoumaru. I can picture every smirk and blush. You speak lust well. So; where's the missing ring? That's going to be a real kick.

GoddessInu03- Sat 16 Sep 2006
AWW that was cute still perverted but thankfully not as bad lol. Update soon it was excellente'

Lucifer00001- Wed 06 Sep 2006
ooooooo plzzz update soon, I'm absolutly stuck on this story!

sakura and miles- Mon 04 Sep 2006
sakura: you are soo crul!!!why lave it there its sooo good!!

Miles:ya that as tight!!!

Sakura:update soon or make a seqwel!!


AnitaGrace- Mon 04 Sep 2006
I love this story and it always makes me so happy to read a new chapter. The thoughts are hilarious and Sesshoumaru is so hot. Yay for you!!

Sesshoumaru's Fiend- Mon 04 Sep 2006
omg this is so great...please update soon

Sleepy kate- Sun 03 Sep 2006

Daniella- Sun 03 Sep 2006
You write really well, I love your story! Do try to update soon, and I loved the extra long chappie!!

Daniella- Sun 03 Sep 2006
You write really well, I love your story! Do try to update soon, and I loved the extra long chappie!!

Mrs_Sesshomaru- Sat 02 Sep 2006
*applause* Slendid! Just slendid! Sorry I was so late getting to the newest chap & congrats on your win in the IYFG!! Now that the game is afoot, I'm dying to see what happens next. Update soon!

Kimmy- Fri 01 Sep 2006
OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! this fic is tony the fucking tiger great. i read the whole this with this stupid grin on my face, i loved it so much. i hope you update REAL soon.

PerkyPup- Fri 01 Sep 2006
WOOT! Good job on winning 1st place in comedy!! That is awesome (you know I voted for you *wink*) This is an great story!! Keep it up! (you know I'm still working on that fanart but *tears up* I don't know what scene to do there is so many good ones! plus I have to go to the library to scan it and it may take me awhile to figure out how to work the scanner in the first place! :P Ohwell... see you at FFN ^_^


Eikanashiidono- Fri 01 Sep 2006
Astounding..all that Im able to express is wow. I very much hope that you will hurry and update soon...It seems someone has finally wrote a fanfiction that makes me skin tingle. This is very good, and it surprises me on several levels. It took me a while to get into it to start with I had to understand the concept of what was going on, the decoder ring and such. I'm enjoying reading this very much, that last chapter was powerful I had to re-read the part about his fur pelt. That was something I was actually looking forward to, and hasnt been used in any that I have read before such time. Please I must say once again update very soon, I can not wait until they start the battle and than finally Kagome gets taken by Sesshomarusama! She is very lucky..*sighs* such a very enigmatic but beautiful demon. I loved the part about tieing up and the part where she fell and he was behind eyes where like bugged and I was like come on please go was Yes, I shall shut up now..I'm not a pervert I swear the story is jut so well done I cant get into it..

Yours truely

OnlineGirl- Thu 31 Aug 2006


sumire- Thu 31 Aug 2006
BWAHA. Sesshoumaru, you naughty hentai-master XD 3 3 this is getting re~ally exciting.. especially for Kagome... XDDDDDDD
I can't wait to see what's next! update when you can, as soon as possible!!! :3


Tana-san- Thu 31 Aug 2006
You are one of my favorite writers and whenever I read one of your stories I am never disappointed. This story had me curious by the title alone and has kept a smile on my face through each chapter. Ch. 7 had me lol and just imaging this little triangle evolving into fiery fun when Kagome finds out what the brothers are up to.Hey, does that ring also hear InuYasha, as he is part dog ? I may have missed that one,but you know Inu never shuts up so one would think his thoughts would be so out there.

Flightoffancy- Thu 31 Aug 2006
This chapter was completely decadent and I loved it. He has got Kagome on the run right now but I have a feeling that our Little Sesshy is headed for a huge blowup.

While Kagome may be loving the attention she is also not stupid. Inuyasha, while I think he cares for Kagome, he doesn't really love her and doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Akago was right in what Sesshomaru intends but she hasn't figured on Kagome and her spirit. I love the interaction between her and Inuyasha. I t is just too funny.

I also think that Rin's jealousy is just too cute and the fact that she and Shippo fight like siblings is great.

But the seduction at the table with the fluffy thingy was too steamy for words. I don't think I could have sat there for as long as she did or kept as quiet. You have got a wicked imagination.

I hope you don't change one iota of this or your plans for it. It is truly wonderful
Til next time, Deb. [email protected]

karla- Thu 31 Aug 2006
AHH!!! that was very arrousing and hilarious!!!! please update again soon!! i ho0pe seshy grows to be more fond of her than just a conquest!

media- Thu 31 Aug 2006
Oh my God! I almost peed in my knickers from laughing when she pummeled him with her tote.
Love love this story.

Dyquem- Thu 31 Aug 2006
what fun. Love the kids possessiveness (Shippo with the crayons and Rin with sesshoumaru); poor Jaken. I feel a little sorry for him. Im not sure I feel all that sorry for sango's assistant. Horrible things happened to her, but she has made herself into a complete bitch instead of trying to move on with her life. I dont think she has said a pleasant word to anyone, even sango.

inuyoukai8- Thu 31 Aug 2006
You are freaking awesome! update soon

wynter89- Thu 31 Aug 2006
That was an amazing last chapter. i love it... It is getting more fasinating by the chapter. I wonder if Kagome will ever find out about this bet.. or if she will "be used an thrown away" once Sesshomaru has had enough of her.

I really enjoy reading your work
good luckl
i hope you update soon

Cochrann- Thu 31 Aug 2006
Awesome chapter...I can't wait to see what happens next with Inuyasha in the picture now.

Eila- Wed 30 Aug 2006
Sesshomaru xD lol cant believe he did that and omigod its the DDR song >. I love that song Poor Kagome o.o

Chibes- Wed 30 Aug 2006
kuv the story i cant see my keybored so apologies on spelling

Chibes- Wed 30 Aug 2006
kuv the story i cant see my keybored so apologies on spelling

Kiba- Wed 30 Aug 2006
Wonderful new chapter, Rhi! (Sorry if shortening your author name offends you, its really long and I don't feel like copy and pasting at the moment.) I loved the newest developement, and I can't wait for more. Really, I can't. You're one of my favorite authors!

I almost feel embarrassed for asking this, but I'm really curious as to the link for the "Inuyasha Fanguild" that I keep hearing about. I've looked and looked but I can't find the 2nd Quarter 2006 Awards, since I wanted to see who'd won and what it was all about. If you don't want to tell me that's alright, but I'd really like to know.

Sometimes I wonder when the saying, "Curiousity killed the cat" is going to come back to haunt me. Lol!


Nistera- Wed 30 Aug 2006
Lmfao. Awesome chapter. I couldn't stop laughing! And poor Kagome! She has no idea what she's getting into.

I'd write a longer review, but I don't have enough time. Keep up with the chapters, though!


Jean- Wed 30 Aug 2006
Major chuckles in Chapter 7. I especially love the following: "...regally for a demon kneeling on a pink Hello Kitty blanket."; the impression of what the clouds look like; and "date stuff." And those are just from the first two pages. Very amusing! Please write faster.

Racheru- Wed 30 Aug 2006
I hope Sesshomaru's plan back fires! Please don't turn Kagome into a wanton bitch!! Please!! I hate it when I have to stop reading a story because the sex scenes come to fast and love os not involved. It just makes Kagome seem like a whore for giving into him! And with that fluffy thing went between my legs I would have taken my chopsticks and stab it!! That pervert!! And yet Kagome's gonna sleep with him!? Oh, please don't do that. I love this story and I like the idea, but please don't make Kagome seem like a wanton bitch!! *pleading and crying*

Racheru- Wed 30 Aug 2006
I hope Sesshomaru's plan back fires! Please don't turn Kagome into a wanton bitch!! Please!! I hate it when I have to stop reading a story because the sex scenes come to fast and love os not involved. It just makes Kagome seem like a whore for giving into him! And with that fluffy thing went between my legs I would have taken my chopsticks and stab it!! That pervert!! And yet Kagome's gonna sleep with him!? Oh, please don't do that. I love this story and I like the idea, but please don't make Kagome seem like a wanton bitch!! *pleading and crying*

Racheru- Wed 30 Aug 2006
I hope Sesshomaru's plan back fires! Please don't turn Kagome into a wanton bitch!! Please!! I hate it when I have to stop reading a story because the sex scenes come to fast and love os not involved. It just makes Kagome seem like a whore for giving into him! And with that fluffy thing went between my legs I would have taken my chopsticks and stab it!! That pervert!! And yet Kagome's gonna sleep with him!? Oh, please don't do that. I love this story and I like the idea, but please don't make Kagome seem like a wanton bitch!! *pleading and crying*

Racheru- Wed 30 Aug 2006
I hope Sesshomaru's plan back fires! Please don't turn Kagome into a wanton bitch!! Please!! I hate it when I have to stop reading a story because the sex scenes come to fast and love os not involved. It just makes Kagome seem like a whore for giving into him! And with that fluffy thing went between my legs I would have taken my chopsticks and stab it!! That pervert!! And yet Kagome's gonna sleep with him!? Oh, please don't do that. I love this story and I like the idea, but please don't make Kagome seem like a wanton bitch!! *pleading and crying*

Racheru- Wed 30 Aug 2006
I hope Sesshomaru's plan back fires! Please don't turn Kagome into a wanton bitch!! Please!! I hate it when I have to stop reading a story because the sex scenes come to fast and love os not involved. It just makes Kagome seem like a whore for giving into him! And with that fluffy thing went between my legs I would have taken my chopsticks and stab it!! That pervert!! And yet Kagome's gonna sleep with him!? Oh, please don't do that. I love this story and I like the idea, but please don't make Kagome seem like a wanton bitch!! *pleading and crying*

Racheru- Wed 30 Aug 2006
Aw, man, Kagome's letting him do too much to her. She shouldn't have let that fluffy thing between her legs! I'd take my chopsticks and stab the f'n thing! I hope she doesn't submit too easily. I hate it when it comes to that. Too fast and there isn't any love involved...I hate that...

amy- Wed 30 Aug 2006
that was soo naughty and funny! i hope sess will get his just dessert with our heroine..update soon!

Faye- Wed 30 Aug 2006
WOW! I LOVE this story! Please update soon!!!!!!!! soonsoonsoon

Rinseternalsoul- Wed 30 Aug 2006
I can't wait to see that arrogant demon dog get what's coming to him when his plan backfires! I believe he will be getting a little more than he bargained for with Kagome. She's simply bursting with hot untried passion. Sesshomaru is fast turning her into a wanton woman! It'll also be great seeing Inuyasha fail miserably in his seduction attempts. Speaking of seduction... the Mokomoko-sama scene was humorously spicy! I loved it!

kit- Wed 30 Aug 2006

i love you. seriously. you are too awesome. The lime and the lime and the- and the bet! You are too good :) Update SOOOOOON!

TearStreak- Wed 30 Aug 2006
XD I love this story! I just makes me laugh so hard :D Can't wait for more 3

Vixen12089- Tue 29 Aug 2006
Please update soon! This story is just getting [I]interesting[/I] *Lecherous girn* Also, pleae add me to your update list. I'd like to know when the next chapters are coming out. I'm serious;ly hooked on this story and all of your stories. So, please?

Beautiful Silent Death- Mon 28 Aug 2006
OMG! AHAHAHAHA!!!! That was just too damn funny. Keep up the great work!

amy- Mon 28 Aug 2006
this is sooo funny! i really like the preening and the clay-pot parts..i was laughing so much..
update again soon!

Kit- Mon 28 Aug 2006
I LOVE your story- it's raunchy but still has a plot- strike that- a great plot *hehe* I was wondering, do you have a mailing list? I lost your story once and i don't want to again! If you could, add me to your list?

BLU- Mon 28 Aug 2006
UPDATE SOON! That was so good.

Mrs.x3Mustang- Mon 28 Aug 2006
ooh! *jumps around* its getting good! and interesting! and yay! >u sess/kag goodness! lol...pls update soon!

Lucifer00001- Mon 28 Aug 2006
you are evil plain and simple evil! i absolutly neeed to know what happens next but its sooooo hard to wait for the next chapter to come out! I couldnt stop grinning throughout this whole chapter and now my face

plz update soon!!!

45cats- Mon 28 Aug 2006
This was the funniest chapter yet; experimenting with Kaede's pottery, un-tiger-like fashion.Sesshoumaru preening, and Jaken trying to explain the meaning of life. I could go on. The whole chapter is packed. Awesome writing. Aaand, it's getting warmer.

Lucifer00001- Sat 26 Aug 2006
this is a sweet story so far but I need you to update! Im just entirely too curious for my own good and its getting hard to find good stories that are well written that i havn't already read, so im begging you plz update soooooooon!!! *squeeks out a pretty please*

darkjewel- Mon 21 Aug 2006
The story is absolute genius, and I'm always checking for updates. This version of Sesshy makes the anime so much more entertaining.

Is O-face from Office Space?

Beautiful Silent Death- Sun 20 Aug 2006
Okay, this story is just too damn funny. You need to let me know when you update this one. Keep it up!

Flightoffancy- Tue 08 Aug 2006
I could have sworn that I reviewed this story because I sent you my email and you notified me. O well, I saw the update and danced around the room before I sat down and read it.

You must have been struck by lightening. This is one of the most original stories I have ever read. I love that Sessh is such a hentai. And the twist on Sessh and Izayoi(?) was a shocker. I know dad was supposed to be hot but I didn't realize he was HHHOOOTTT.

I also think Sango's apprentice is a hoot. But the thing I think I love the most is the sarcastic humor. The whole concept of cereal box rings and hearing youkai thoughts is totally inspired.

I hope she gets that ring back, she could learn a few things from Miroku that would turn Sessh's world upside down.

I usually try to be patient and tell most authors to take their time updating. I realize that it does take some time to pull all this together. But I really love this story so hurry up.

Til next time, Deb.

Flightoffancy- Tue 08 Aug 2006
I could have sworn that I reviewed this story because I sent you my email and you notified me. O well, I saw the update and danced around the room before I sat down and read it.

You must have been struck by lightening. This is one of the most original stories I have ever read. I love that Sessh is such a hentai. And the twist on Sessh and Izayoi(?) was a shocker. I know dad was supposed to be hot but I didn't realize he was HHHOOOTTT.

I also think Sango's apprentice is a hoot. But the thing I think I love the most is the sarcastic humor. The whole concept of cereal box rings and hearing youkai thoughts is totally inspired.

I hope she gets that ring back, she could learn a few things from Miroku that would turn Sessh's world upside down.

I usually try to be patient and tell most authors to take their time updating. I realize that it does take some time to pull all this together. But I really love this story so hurry up.

Til next time, Deb.

Sabrina- Mon 07 Aug 2006
this is such a good story, i love it a lot and hope that you update it soon!

Ani- Sat 05 Aug 2006
oh snap! i loved this chapter! it was fantasmic! there were just so many funny parts. i loved when sango was thinking to herself, "oh, we'll have to check around the villages for a guy for kagome. let's see what we can rustle up!" it was all very amusing. and of course i had to cover my eyes when miroku's monologue started coming in (ah! no pun intended!) and that made it difficult to read so i had to uncover them and try to keep my indignant and amused squeals to a minimum. i'm so glad you updated this stoy and i can't wait to read more!

Rinseternalsoul- Thu 03 Aug 2006
I do believe that I am in love with your version of Sesshomaru. He's so... sexy in his lecherousness. LOL! Great chapter!

Empatheia- Thu 03 Aug 2006

I love that song! And I'd hazard a guess that 'o-face' refers to orgasm-face, very few of which are attractive at *all.* Most people seem to look like somebody just took an egg-beater to their faces.

I love this fic! It's hysterical and fun and ooooh I love Sess/Kag. I'll be watching this one!

AnimeFanime18- Thu 03 Aug 2006
MUAHAHAHAHAHA! So very evil...

Mrs_Sesshomaru- Wed 02 Aug 2006
*LMAO* Oh this chapter was priceless! She should've kept that ring though. Miroku could've taught her a few tricks to use on Sesshy! *ROTF* Yeah, she would've had that poor taiyoukai sniffing after her like a dog for sure with all the karma sutra tactics she'd learn from the 'Hentai Prince!' OMG... I can't stop laughing! My imagination is working overtime *giggle* Thank you SO much for the update email. What's going on with "Primal" though? I love this story! Update soon!

Inu-Miko88- Wed 02 Aug 2006
'In order to fuck your miko'
That was just too funny!
I'm guessing that Sesshoumaru is going to find the ring?

Ben Eaten- Wed 02 Aug 2006
This is sooooo funny. I like sarcasm in stories, optimism is just to cheery for me, and so is crass stupid humour. This is perfect. I hope you update soon.

Keke- Wed 02 Aug 2006
Ah! Poor kagome being subjected to Miroku’s mind! lol That was so hilarious! Didn’t see that coming… Oh and Sesshoumaru and his deliciously evil plans… can’t wait to see what happens next!!

Congrats on the nominations!

karla- Tue 01 Aug 2006
yay!!!!!!!!!! you updated!!!!!! please update soon, I can't wait to read more of this fabulous story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kagsbigfan- Tue 01 Aug 2006
Personally I think that was too much extreme for even Miroku. I almost choked on my food too. I was eating too. Update soon!

Mrs.x3Mustang- Tue 01 Aug 2006
XD bwa! tough luck! lol...

Jean- Tue 01 Aug 2006
Very funny chapter. I am anxious to read more.

lehcar132- Tue 01 Aug 2006
This can go so many ways with the missing ring, I can't wait to find out who finds it.

Kyo-Chan-Lover- Tue 01 Aug 2006
Awesome!! Totally Awesome. I love it! Great story line. Update A.S.A.P

Deviouslife- Sun 30 Jul 2006
This is awesome. Hilarious even. Love it. Keep going please

Nilee- Fri 28 Jul 2006
I love this story. Please add me to the update list.

Gothic Lust- Fri 28 Jul 2006
i love this. the background on sesshomaru and izayoi is a different twist. i love it though. this is supper funny. i couldn't stop laughing.
update soon.

Sabrina- Thu 27 Jul 2006
i connot wait for you to update!!! please update soon!

GoddessInu03- Fri 21 Jul 2006
Hey i love your story it is so funny and i like how she can read their minds but man i want to be able to see what Kagome learns from
inuyasha's mind . oh well please put me on your update list. so email me when u update thanks update soon!!

Keke- Fri 21 Jul 2006
As usual your work is great. I’ll never look at CCCD ice cream the same way again…lol. I’m a little freaked out by the situation with Izayoi, but I can see it being a possibility. I am hooked on this story and please continue!

I want to be on the update list, [email protected]

JeeringSmiles- Fri 21 Jul 2006
omg...WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT!!!! this story is pure genius...seriously...hwo did u come up with this story??? u must love ur golden puffs...personally i gagged a little when i read that but hey...ur whole story was fricken hilarious and i really hope u update it more often cause i cannot wait to see what u do next. please add me to ur mailing list i would love to be on it!!!!!

WhiteRose-Kurama- Thu 20 Jul 2006
Wow! I'm really glad that I decided to continue reading this fic. It's soooo not what I was expecting. And I will never think about cereal box toys the same way again! LOL! Keep up the good work and hurry w/ the next chappie:P
BTW can I be put on ur update list pretty plz?

Jenny- Wed 19 Jul 2006
Wow! You write good fanfic! Please continue this one soon! :D

Anita- Tue 18 Jul 2006
i love this story so much. the way you make sesshoumaru think is just so funny and hot and everything you'd want to hear from him. i really can't wait to find out what will happen next.

Kurai Kyusobin- Mon 17 Jul 2006
Hey, you might know me from FanFiction or Mediaminer I don't remember which... LOL I'm so forgetful. Anyways I would like to congradulate you on the new chapter. Very well written definite 10 out of 10.

Leather_Wings- Sun 16 Jul 2006
Great chap! Laughed my a$$ off. And please put me on your update list. Thanks!

swasdiva- Fri 14 Jul 2006
Holy shit on so many inappropriate levels. Ya know, Sesshy, since I don't think they had DNA testing back then, maybe history is repeating itself more than you think...

I can just imagine Sesshoumaru a la Darth Vader.

Sess: "Inuyasha, Myoga-san never told you about your father, did he?"

Inu: "He did, too! He was a great man, unlike you!"

Sess: "No...I am your father."

And so's so much funnier in my mind. Anyway, holy cow...that's messed up, but squicky hilarious.

And saucy. Yeah, Sess is always the ultimate womanizer in fandom, but you definitely take it to a new level. He's quite the kinky non-bastard bastard too, isn't he?

I'm superfluously enjoying this debaucle. Please update soon!

Kanela- Fri 14 Jul 2006
I wanna be on your list, please. This fics of yours is REALLY entertaining. ^^

Ari- Fri 14 Jul 2006
hail to the butterfly song !! lol
I have never laughed more with a fic in all my life.
Sess is a baaaad boi XD...but if Inuyasha WERE his son... after all Sess has done to him... naw thats too mesed up. love that part though, lmao
...could I get one of those rings? lols

Inu_Twins- Fri 14 Jul 2006
OMG!! That was funny!! I love it!! Sesshy is a bad boy!!! lmao!! Plzz Update soon!! This is getting good and I am loving it!!!

Mizu- Fri 14 Jul 2006
lol i know that song "butterfly" i was listening to it while reading ur story, which is by the way awsome! can't wait for the next chapter!

Rinseternalsoul- Fri 14 Jul 2006
This chapter was hilarious and I just loved the combination of Sesshomaru and chocolate. Yum Yum! I was very impressed with your twist on the Izayoi/InuPapa story. Him taking her from Sesshomaru was unexpected, showing me that you have some, very welcome, fresh idea's for fandom. There was some coincidences between this chapter and a one-shot I'm working on for The House of Lemons. You'll see when I post it soon. I suppose you and I are on the same hentai wave this week. lol! Loved the chapter, and looking forward to more~ Rin

Mrs_Sesshomaru- Fri 14 Jul 2006
*giggle* Okay, I finished the chap. That was too funny, cute, adorable, yadda-yadda... Oh & definitely put me on your update list!!

AccidentalGoddess- Fri 14 Jul 2006
This is an absolutely hilarious fic. I would love to be on the update list. Pretty, pretty please!

inuyoukai8- Fri 14 Jul 2006
I love this fic! Please add me to your list for updates? Thank you so much!

Jean- Fri 14 Jul 2006
I am really enjoying your amusing cereal box story. I remember when I was young, emptying cereal boxes looking for the promised prize inside Please add me to your list to receive notification of new chapters.

Yenni- Fri 14 Jul 2006
-=squee!=- an update list....-=giggles=- ADD ME ADD ME -=writes down for you ryomathews at aol dot com=- -=giggles again=- this story is FABTASTIC utterly and compleatly hysterical....i love it


kagsbigfan- Fri 14 Jul 2006
Sesshy-kun is a naughty dog. Upadte soon!

Mrs_Sesshomaru- Fri 14 Jul 2006
Holy fucking shit!!! Sesshy banged Izayoi??!?!?! OM-F-G! He was her first? *passes out* I'm not even done reading the chap yet... I had to pause to review... Rhiannon, you are the BOMB!! I am totally gaping at my computer screen like "WTF?" Okay, I gotta finish reading now. I've picked my face up off the floor. Holy shit, man, that's deep.

ReRe- Fri 14 Jul 2006

sesshys_jaded_samuri- Fri 14 Jul 2006
Oh dear Kami, this is so funny. I am glad that you decided to do this, since this is totally different from anything I have ever read. I especially like the part where Sesshomaru is oggling Kagome while she is sunbathing. Another thing... I thought the whole Sess/ Izayoi thing was an interesting idea....I don't think I have ever ehard that one before... I mean honesly...Sesshy's squeeze stolen by daddy dearest... ouch...that had to hurt.

Inu-Miko88- Fri 14 Jul 2006
Mmmmm.... Sesshomaru covered in ice cream with chocolate chip nipples. *sighs* I wish I could have dreams like that, but thanks for the mental picture.

Noacat- Fri 14 Jul 2006
What a deliciously naughty dream. Hee.

J.C- Fri 14 Jul 2006
Ohs my god!
Best idea ever! I cannot, I ABSOLUTELY cannot wait to read more. : ) : )
Smiles all around.
Keep it up, I need more, you've made me addicted!

Tomb Lily- Fri 14 Jul 2006
I like the story so far. I would like to be on your update list.

SilverWaters- Fri 14 Jul 2006
I am enjoying this story more than I probably should, but I love Sesshou and would give a great deal to be in Kagome's position...or future position. Hehe, naughty Silver. ^^
Mmm...Sesshoumaru and ice cream...::drool:: Fantastic idea...

Striking Falcon- Fri 14 Jul 2006
(falls over laughing) This fic is great! Do you know that? I would suppose so since you wrote it! Its original and funny! I have to agree though, Sesshoumaru HAS to look good covered in ice cream! I would definately pay for that! lol. Oh, but update soon please and maybe add a little caramel syrup to the next dream? Please?

Inu-Miko88- Thu 13 Jul 2006
Please please please update soon!This story is too funny! I especially love the 'Higher, little skirt' part.

Sabrina- Wed 12 Jul 2006
oooh! i bet it's Sesshomaru! and kagome's hearing his thoughs with the ring! update soon please, love it

kttsuneonna- Wed 12 Jul 2006
Okay, still enjoying it, though the third chapter seemed a little forced. Hope the trip to Sesshoumaru's thoughts is a little more interesting than events in the third chapter lead us to believe.

Get crazy with it! I'd love to know what your take on Sesshy's mind is!

karla- Mon 10 Jul 2006
please update soon this story is AMAZIMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!

zen- Sat 08 Jul 2006
Hey, this is really funny! Update so I can get side-splitting laughter please!!!

Really good story- and I mean it!

hummer- Fri 07 Jul 2006
Aww!! NOW I get the story... The first chapter, I was super confused and thought that Kagome is going insane.. Then I read the third without reading the second. Then I realized I didnt read the second. So I read the second. Then I realized I forgot what the first chapter was about. So I reread the first, second, and then the third again. Really weird. Anyway... It's so cute!! So what IS the demon decoder ring made out of? 0.o It's maaaaagggiiiiiiccaaaaalllll~~~!! Har har.. Heh.. its so funny how Sesshoumaru is so perverted in his thoughts.. Xb Anyway, please update soon!

Sesshoumaru&Kagome4Ever- Thu 06 Jul 2006
Yikes! I can't believe you left it off right there! I want to know who it was! >_ I'm dying to know... Update soon!

Chaos-and-Serenity- Mon 03 Jul 2006
Office Space! One of my FAVORITE comedies! I'm an old-fashioned girl, so I'll have chocolate chip please.

This fic is hilarious and a pure joy to read. I nearly cried when there was no more to read! Please continue this refreshingly original and enthralling story. I adore the idea and flow of the plot and dammit I NEED to read more!

Leira- Sun 02 Jul 2006
love it so far and i can't wait for more!

SilverWaters- Sat 01 Jul 2006
Eeeeee! ::glomps:: I love the story!!! I can't wait for another update. ::leads Sesshoumaru in on a leash:: If you update soon I will let you borrow him... ^^

karla- Fri 30 Jun 2006
yes!! another update finally!!!! i love this story and where it is looking to be gong! please write more!!!!!!

swasdiva- Thu 29 Jun 2006
Office Space. Everyone should be required to see that movie, if just for the "o, o, o" face reference alone.

But, that aside, I simply adore this fic. It's hilariously irreverent at poor Kagome's expense, at least up to this point, but I'm thinking that if she's still looking for a *cough* summer romance *cough*, she may just get her chance soon, hmm? Your writing is witty, fresh (aside from Nickelodeon slime demons) and engaging. I can't wait to read more!

Tenshi no Kami- Thu 29 Jun 2006
It's Sesshoumaru!!!!!! that is just too on the next chapter, will you write the names of the people who won the cookie?..and what type of cookie is it? I really like cookies...yumm, sugar just because i get a sugar rush, does not mean that i don't get a cookie does it?...Anyways, nice story...the chapters just have to be a little longer that's all...update soon!!!!!

-Tenshi no Kami

Red Falcon- Thu 29 Jun 2006
yeah office space!!! by the way, i like your story a bit more than a lot! i find it quite humorous.

Kanela- Thu 29 Jun 2006
Ohhhh! I totally love it! I do! Please update soon!!

megumi- Thu 29 Jun 2006
yayyyyy omg great chapter plz plz plz update soon this is getting good lol,nayway take care Ja Ne

chibimethos- Thu 29 Jun 2006
" . . .and afterward, I'm gonna show her my 'O' face. OH! oh! OH!"

LOL I love Office Space.

Great story BTW I can't wait for the next update.

SleepingChickenNugget- Thu 29 Jun 2006
Lmao. Awesome story! O-face, as in Orgasm-face? *shrugs* You had me laughing out loud! Please update soon!

Oh! And awesome song!

"Ai yai yai, I'm a little butterfly! Green, black and blue make the colors in the sky..."

Yenni- Thu 29 Jun 2006
oooo...demon decoder rings.....hmmm....perhaps she hears...

oh no she heard sesshoumaru...GASP and he was thinking about her skirt...DOUBLE GASP...

cant wait for the next chappy :P

Mrs_Sesshomaru- Thu 29 Jun 2006
Hee-hee!!! Poor kid... *giggle* He thinks she's insane! Hell, I'm sure I would too. She just started wailing on him out of the blue *cracking up*! Higher little skirt, higher *ROTF* Sesshy, you hentai! Update soon! I think we can wait awhile longer for 'Primal' (though I've been dying to read it) just to see her reaction to his thoughts.

Beckie- Thu 29 Jun 2006
Another great chapter! I love your combination of smut and humour!

45cats- Thu 29 Jun 2006
Ahhh! I already loved it. I'm glad you wrote more of it. You have a way with words. I always get good visualizations when I read your fics.

The kid with the helmet is a nice touch. You. Are. Funny.

Cochrann- Thu 29 Jun 2006
I love this story!! It's so freaking funny!! lol

Sada- Thu 29 Jun 2006
ROFL. My god! AHAHA! You just made my day. I'm so totally faving this story.

Inu_Twins- Thu 29 Jun 2006
OMG!!!!! That was funny!! I already have a good guess who it is!!! They are sooo dead!!!

Inu_Twins- Thu 29 Jun 2006
OMG!!!!! That was funny!! I already have a good guess who it is!!! They are sooo dead!!!

P- Thu 29 Jun 2006
Oh. Oh. You know what i'm talking about.
Very cute fic. i loved Kagome beating the poor, innocent (at least this time) kid. I wouldn't be surprised if he was frightened off of females for a while. can't wait to see what happens between NOW and the TWO WEEKS AGO that you keep flashing to, and why Kagome is so hell-bent on finding another ring.

45cats- Tue 20 Jun 2006
Awww, this is such a cute idea, and such potential for thoughts that are, perhaps, not so cute. Hmmmm.

I've been reading your other stories and I just love them. Write more of this so I can love it too. ^_^

Teresa- Fri 16 Jun 2006
That is hilarious, I want to read the next chapter soon. So please update soon. Thanks! Funny. XD

faye- Fri 16 Jun 2006
SO CUTE!!!!!! Very, very good writing! You have Kagome down to a T, I could see this as a movie! haha, well, can't wait to read more! please update soon

megumi- Fri 16 Jun 2006
lol wow I cant w8 2 c wat happens next,plz update,take care Ja ne ^.^

WriterLady1031- Fri 16 Jun 2006
What a cute story! I would love to read more of this one. Pllease continue soon! ^_^

GinaBristow- Fri 16 Jun 2006
I'm so happy! I really wanted you to continue this fic and now you have! And now I have another Rhiannon masterpiece to look forward to! Wow! That's a lot of exclamation points, but I mean every one!0>

Kuma- Thu 15 Jun 2006
she needs one for canines in general

cherry- Thu 15 Jun 2006
Interesting. A dogdecoder ring.HEHEHEHEHE. luv the story , update soon.

Sada- Thu 15 Jun 2006
You will post the next chapter soon, right? Because, I've reviewed this chapter before and as much as I love it, I want to know what goes on in Sesshoumaru's head really bad... I don't have to put another analogy do I? Don't make me do it! It-it won't be pretty.

kitsuneonna- Wed 14 Jun 2006
I've come to find out that only you can come up with the flimsiest of plot devices and make a hugely entertaining story out of them. So naturally, I say you'd better continue this because I've liked everything you've written since I first saw 'Quadragle'.
Definitely keep going, because your stuff is about as original as fanfiction gets ^^

kitsuneonna- Wed 14 Jun 2006
I've come to find out that only you can come up with the flimsiest of plot devices and make a hugely entertaining story out of them. So naturally, I say you'd better continue this because I've liked everything you've written since I first saw 'Quadragle'.
Definitely keep going, because your stuff is about as original as fanfiction gets ^^

GinaBristow- Thu 08 Jun 2006
I think that this is extra cute and can only get better.

Bippety- Mon 05 Jun 2006
Hey, I like this. Seems interesting, I hope you continue it. :D

amy- Mon 05 Jun 2006
hey continue writing! i really hate it when an author starts then suddenly stops. this looks pretty interesting and funny

JD- Mon 05 Jun 2006
you should continue it sounds interesting

P.S. don't forget about your other stories.

swasdiva- Sun 04 Jun 2006
Should you continue? If you *DON'T* continue I think the world will be deprived of only the most original, humorous jaunt into fluffy SxK fandom I've ever read. Where in the free world did you come up with this idea?!?! I ADORE it!!! A demon decoder ring that reads minds based on what demon kanji is scribbled on the top of the ring??? Abso-friggin'-lutely priceless. I'm already in love. This can only get better. I'm stocking up on Depends now, for bladder control during repeated bouts of hysterical laughter. Great stuff!

Ani- Sun 04 Jun 2006
oh my gosh, i really like this fic so far. it's really original and you write well. i like the idea that this will all happen without everyone also worrying about naraku. keep going please!

Noacat- Sun 04 Jun 2006
OF COURSE YOU SHOULD!! DON'T BE CRAZY! Next chapter!! As soon as you get to it, that is. I'm willing to wait...for years maybe.

clavira- Sun 04 Jun 2006
well, I'm a bit confused about this whole cereal-thingy, so yes, I think you should continue!

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